I'm Not Poetic

by Selsius

I am not poetic, I just want to write.
I don't want to rhyme or make sense,
I just want to let my mind wander through ink, line, and pages.
I am here and you are here...so just read until you've had your fill.
I am not poetic, I just want to write.
I just want to tell you how I love and live...
open you to me and just relate some things to you.
I don't have many books, but I have life so my knowledge is infinite
I want you to just see me.
So if you still haven't had your fill...
read on because I'm not poetic, I just want to write.
I just want for my many jumbled thoughts to make sense,
have some sort of logic, 
give some sort of hope....
some sort of inspiration.
So maybe someone else won't be poetic...
maybe they'll just want to write.

I'm Not Poetic by Selsius

© Copyright2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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