The saga continues to a melancholy tale...
Endurance needs nurturing negative thoughts prevail
Emotions withheld to keep from reacting
Tears left on pillows cause shoulders were lacking
Trust in humans leaves much to be desired
Hope is left dwindling with nothing to be inspired
Tis times like this when one must push through
If it seems as no one else does...God sees the GREAT in you
Don't be too hard on yourself for imperfection is ingrained
Be molded by life's lessons and the experience you've gained
When heavy and burdensome don't throw the towel in...PRAY
Supplicate and remain firm...your doubts HE will allay...
Think encouraged no need to complain
It's gonna be alright don't trip off of the mundane
Throw your troubles on him and you will be lighter...
Chin up little fighter soon things will be brighter.