KismetButtafly |
KismetButtafly is the pen name of Sanyel L. Reynolds. She is 21 years old and resides in Augusta, GA. She says, "My poetry is about life. I've only be on this earth a short time, and in that timespan, I have come to understand so much about life." She credits her mom and family as inspiration to write, as well as her own life experiences. I wrote 'Intrigued' for a very special person in my life. my boyfriend Derek. He is one of those people that I wished I could have met earlier in life, but I thank God every day for bringing him to me. He has truly inspried me to achieve, and because he loves me the way he does, I can see a much brighter future in life."
You can contact Ms. Reynolds via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.