Crystal Ball

by EK Ellis

I gaze into a crystal ball to see my future
The ball was blank, is that what my future looks like
I couldn't accept it, so I glimpse at it again, still the same result
In true frustration, this was my last hope I picked up the crystal ball
And throw it hitting a wall shattering in millions of pieces
Symbolic of my life, a million directions, none of them leading anywhere
One piece landed at my feet
I went to pick it up and stop, staring back at me was
My mother's face, sadness in her eyes
One tear trapped on her eyelash
I picked up the piece of shattered glass
Looking closely at her face and then I realize
I was staring at myself

Crystal Ball by EK Ellis

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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