Love's Spring

by Sakira

Gripping in its intensity
Like a warm velvet blanket of passion
Surrounding, soft and enveloping
Sweet in its essence

Rippling, rolling like a river flowing
Smiles, bubble forth from depths unseen
Whispering words, floating on drums of love

Fragrant flowers, bloom in heart made new by light
Shining strong, bright, reflected in eyes first seeing
Laughing long and lingeringly along spines bent with time

Epervessant joy brims over into the light of day
Spilling tomorrow's with winds rushing
Rustling leaves of the fall, lifting, raising
and drifting with loves spring

Flowing upstream to words forever
with an ease and peace found
Washing away past hurts,
lingering pains and clearing doubts

In the spring of love you are here.

Love's Spring by Sakira

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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