Mumbo Jumbo

by OldSoul

I'm wirtin' tihs rhmye in mumbo jumbo
Cusaz teehr's jsut no tlieln'
Waht a sbmao wlil do
Aywlas lkoion' fa siht
To run tlel msasa
Tehy dno't mnid fkcuin' oevr me and u

If yrou'e cheednnimorpg tihs
U msut be a'ghit
Wtih an Arifakn hraet
And a fruute so bgrhit
U jsut gto's to waer yuor sgaseslnus at nhgit

I writin' this rmhye in mumbo jumbo
Csuaz smbaos r wsroe tahn felis on siht
Tehy mmiic tehir msetras wrod for wrod
And u konw tehm fklos 
Cnat psas up a trud
Taht wluod jsut be too asurbd

If yrou'e cheednnimorpg tihs
U msut be a'ghit
Wtih an Arifakn hraet
And smoe of tehm in shgit
U jsut hvae to use yuor seecnlr at nhgit

But tehn aigan
Tihs anit nhtuin' but mumbo jumbo.

Mumbo Jumbo by OldSoul

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