Imagine Nation

by OldSoul

We must believe that we Afri-can make the difference
Imagine, Nation
We must know this is a divine inter-mission
We must up-lift each other to the next level
We must en-rich our children’s future
We must not de-fame one another
We must en-joy each other’s lives.
Imagine, Nation
Let me say that again
We must know this is a divine inter-mission
A time of preparation
For a holy inter-vention
Imagine, Nation
We must up-lift each other to the next level
Up-lift means give support to
Not to under-mine
Imagine, Nation
We must not de-fame one another
De-fame means to speak ill of
Not passing on the glory
Imagine, Nation
We must en-rich our children’s future
En-rich means to add to
Leaving more than we received
Imagine, Nation
We must en-joy each other’s lives
En-joy meaning giving joy to
Not taking away from
Imagine, Nation
Imagine, Nation
Imagine, Nation
We must believe that we Afri-can make the difference.

Imagine Nation by OldSoul

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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