
by Walter Rooks

Go down three street lights
Den maka lef
Keep goin til you pass da cemtary
Onya right
Den you gonna see asign
Fo' da highway...
But you dontwanna get onda highway
'Cause dey gonna makeyou pay atoll
So right after you go unda dabridge
Beforeda railroad tracks
Goonahead antake anotha right...
Now dishere aint no paved road
But Isee yougotta SUV   
Takeda dirtroad forbout tentweleve miles
'til you see da Chinnese Market sign...
You gonna cross da innersection
Ancut into da parkinlot...
Black Barber in dere
Right nexta Soap an' Suds...
Dem brothas hookyaup right!

Shortcuts by Walter Rooks

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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