Cuban Ties

by Walter Rooks

In Key West, at the southernmost point
we tossed coins into waters
ninety miles from Cuba.
With closed eyes, silence kept your wish.
The weight of a quarter, its affects on the sea-
I wondered.

At Casa Marina we drank wine,
you rehearsed I Could Fall In Love
with lips red, more inviting than Selena.
In lovely increments, time moved us
on a stale bus to Miami
where Don Francisco made the rules.

Though the prize was not yours that day,
passion was a claim;
how beautiful, the magic in your eyes.
We sat and laughed for the rest of the show,
you slept all the way back home-

I thought of Cuban ties.

My Grandfather whom I never met was Cuban. 
During my travelling days I escorted a princess 
to Don Francisco's studio in Miami where Sabado 
Gigante is filmed. Cuban Ties refers 
to a part of my ancestry.

Cuban Ties by Walter Rooks

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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