That Day

by Robin Andrews

That Day when I woke, I was surrounded by smoke
I tried 2 clear my eyes 2 C where I was going
The smoke was 2 strong, it knew what it was doing
Got down on my knee's & I started 2 crawl
Trying 2 find the door that lead 2 the hall
Started 2 panic when I could not find the door knob
Oh my GOD! I thought, this smoke is doing it's job
The walls were not burning & the carpet was not ablaze
Oh my GOD! I thought, where is the flame
I ran 2 the window 2 let the smoke out
When I opened the window, I heard screams & shout's
People were runing everywhere, bombs were falling from the air
Where were U when they NUKED US

That Day by Robin Andrews

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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