Dream On...

by Robin Andrews

Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of sunny days on beaches with beautiful waves & beautiful skies
Dream on dreamer dream your dream...
Dream of trees with green leaves that turn brown before they fall 2 the ground right before your eyes
Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of good health, happiness & wealth, traveling 2 exotic lands & eating exotic foods
Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of falling N luv & never falling out, even when there R doubts
Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of sitting & talking with GOD going over your prayer list, answering your prayers as U wish
Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of being equal all the time, no matter the color, man, woman or child or what's on your mind
Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of being a shoulder 2 lean on 4 family & freinds, being there until their hurt ends
Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of winning cash, cars or clothes, who knows, N my dreams anything goes
Dream on dreamer, your dream...
Dream of starting over & getting life right, never giving up & staying focused on a good life
Dream on dreamer, dream your dream...
Dream of dreams that never end, sweet when U sleep, great when U wake
Dream On...

Dream On... by Robin Andrews

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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