The Word of God

by Robby Williams Sr.

There's a long hard road that we must walk, 

Saying the spiritual things that people don't want to hear, we must talk,

A separation from the evil that plagues us,

Using godly wisdom and fighting with the word is a must,

As cruel as it may sound God will destroy the wicked,

And with the same word he will turn and heal the meek and afflicted,

It is the word of God that gives us hope,    

when we can only see a little glimmer of light in a glance,

With no doubt, that if the Word had not became flesh and 

conquered death on the cross, we would not have a second chance.  

The Word of God by Robby Williams Sr.

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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