So Stereotypical

by Rocky Rhodes

Your hair is so straight and long.
Is that a weave?
No, it's called a straightening comb.

Oh, do you have Indian in your family?
No, my hair just grows that way.

No, I'm not pregnant and I'm not hungry.
My mama didn't tell me that it's baby fat.
And I'm not big boned-ed.

These aren't implants, I grew them naturally.
And yes, I'm sure I'm black 
We all don't have "junk" in our "trunks."

No, I'm not mixed with anything 
(not that I know of anyway) 
my eyes are just chinky that way

Why's my skin not dark? 
Well, that's a long story
but my mother, 
and grandmother are not white.

Just because I speak my mind
and speak it loudly
doesn't make me a bitch.

I just wanted to get my point across.

So Stereotypical by Rocky Rhodes

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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