Martin Luther King

by David Reese-El

The man with the dream,
is no other than: Martin Luther King Jr.

Who fought for civil liberties;
and died for them too.

Never did he give up,
So Why Should You?

Freedom did not come
with the ringing of:
The Liberty Bell ... That was the
sign of the up-coming HELL!

Martin knew what to do.
He changed the pace
to how they: (white folks),
would look at the beatuful Black race!

He said, "Stand up, Stand Strong!'
God wants us to move on..."

Martin was a wise, intelligent man.
Who came with the plan. 
He told us to:
"Accept finite disappointment;
but never lose infinite hope!!"

God alone can steer the boat;
we can only paddle.

The man with the dream showed us all the way, 
so, let us follow our teacher high up on the mountain top.

Martin Luther King by David Reese-El

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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