Are You Game

by Realizm

I'll dunk on you all day
I'll  take you all the way to the hole
I'll fake to the right and bring it to the left
Don't make me lose control
Cause if i do it'll be over
Uh oh, already started, i'm tying my lace
I'm about to really bring it to you now
about to fingerroll right in your face
about to cross you over Iverson style
Jump, wait till our chests hit then i'll dunk
Just bout to get freaky on this floor
cause my game got damn funk
I'm gonna take shorts, cut the middle
So I can make you a skirt
Gonna work overtime on you then
gonna show you how messin with me really hurts
I'm gonna embarass you in front of everyone
and trust me you won't be coming back
I'm a treat you like a clown all game
after that how you gonna react
Are you gonna cry "you fouled me"?
az they repeatedly pick you off the floor
az your legz buckle from dizziness
az brothas on the sideline scream for more
Are you game brotha tell me now
Your last chance so hurry up and speak
Gonna give you a permanent limp in your walk
and make you tremble at night when you sleep.

Are You Game by Realizm

© Copyright2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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