Heavenly Flight

by Realizm

Baby, I’m ready to fall
Are you ready to fall too?
Let’s hold hands and jump freely 
With not a worry
Falling happily
Deep into ecstasy
Giving it all to a greater cause
Let us calmly relax ourselves
Slowly, let us close our eyes together
Let us begin this heavenly plunge
Let us represent those white twin doves
Floating gracefully through the sky
Just allow today to only represent the questions
Trusting that the future will tell all the answers
Cause Baby, for this we need no cape
No parachute, nor any wings 
All we need is that trust to jump together
Hand in Hand
Flowing slowly
As our bodies tumble, twist and twirl
Falling happily through the air
Not knowing how far
Or what pains this may possibly bring
Depending solely on the tightly gripped embrace of our hands
Trusting in each other that we won’t let go
Standing at the tip…..my eyes are closed
And I’m sooooo ready to go
I am leaving my left hand wide open
Hoping that I feel your warm right hand clasp it
And possess this position right next to my heart
Baby I’m ready…
I’m willing….
Come on Baby….
Let’s Jump

Heavenly Flight by Realizm

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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