Lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy Black Brother

by Rain

you can read in the papers on any given day
awful things the lazy black man.
Just to even up the score,here are some things
the lazy black brother has done.
The inventions made to improve your culture,
were all invented by the lazy black brother.
The folding chair, blood plasm, bottled caps,
the refrigerator, elevator, signals for the train, 
all invented by the lazy black man.
The home heater, small pox cure, US mail box,
just to name a few. Electric lamp, hand stamp,
cloths drier, peanut butter, all invented by
the lazy black brother. 
The biscut cutter, key ring, motor for cars, guitars, 
the rocket catapult, the dust pan, door stopper, 
ice cream mold, and all we get credit for, 
is pimping and selling drugs! 
Let the truth be truth be told, 
the lazy black  brother invented the remote control!

Lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy Black Brother by Rain

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