
by Queen Unique

Women are emotional creatures
With the most beautiful features
We go to incredible extents to prove ourselves
To prove our love to someone else
We tattoo our soft skin injecting-
Ink into our bodies to keep him from rejecting
We carry children in our womb and birth his seed
Just to prove we can be what he needs
We go above and beyond any immense measure
To be the biggest freak and bring him intense pleasure
Cook, clean, diet, dye and fry
Strut around in 6” heels so he won’t say goodbye
Wash, work and wear 2” miniskirts
We even smile at times when it truly hurts
We have surgery; a nip here and tuck there
Wear under-wire bras and elastic strings for underwear
Going to any extent, no price we haven’t spent
Then when he’s gone we wonder why he went
We spend our last cash on acrylics and paint
Grow our hair out and wear weave if we can’t
Changing the way we walk and talk and changing our laugh
Body wraps, sun tans and soaking in mineral baths
Biting our tongue and questioning our own character
The fact that it was fine before you met him is no longer a factor
Colored contacts, fake eyelashes and perms
Alter ourselves from head to toe but when will we learn?
Working like a slave on two and three jobs 
Using oils, pills and toys just to keep him on hard
Painting our faces like clowns, spending hundred’s on products
Suck in our stomach and arch our back the way the media taught us
Then before you know it he’s gone, vanished…ghost
Probably at a time when you needed him the most
You painted the outside but forgot to enhance inner beauty & commonwealth
So when he finally left you, you were a stranger to your own self

Women by Queen Unique

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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