
by Qiana

In life there is death, with every chance there is a risk, we are not immortal, some are destined to sit on top of the world, some in the middle and some of us at the bottom of the world...We love, we never let go...the memory of the way it used to be, strength for what it will soon be...

Whether timely or untimely, right or wrong...the choice is never our own...we humbly accept that fact and allow fate to take its course...The angels have acsended with another precious angel...she entertained and sincerely cared for us all in the depths of her mind, she remembered her fans...now we return the favor in remembering Aaliyah Dana Haughton...1979-2001.

Aaliyah...1979-2001 by Qiana

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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