Acknowledgement of Despair

by Profound

When I look up at the stars,
I wonder if the stars see me looking.

When I touch the ocean,
I wonder if the ocean can feel my touch.

I am one of many, but in the many,
Is there but one of me?  I wonder.

Love is easy; hate, discord, friction - 
all extremely taxing - I wonder if you know.

When the sun rises and warms my face
I wonder if the sun knows how good it makes me feel.

When my noctunal soul becomes one with the night,
I wonder if the night knows and is aware of the power bestowed upon me.

When I hold you and say "I love you."
I wonder if you know what I mean.

When two loves love, but don't relate
I wonder if they ever realize they have nothing in common.

When I look up at the stars,
I wonder if you even care.

Acknowledgement of Despair by Profound

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