
by Sinsaysion

I will not forget
Those sunday mornings when I woke up to the smell of cornbread
Knowing that my mama would make sure I was well feed
Her making sure my clothes were clean, my hair so neat
Her eyes smiling while her face was full of grief
I will not forget that grief 
Because I saw it everyday
The struggle of a battered single black woman trying to make a way
Though her body ached her soul was gone her spirit alive but dead
She never let her children down and she never hung her head
I will not forget her head being held to the sky
Because she taught me how to fill myself with that same natural pride
Not arrogance but the knowledge of knowing who you are
And not changing because each individual possesses his or her own star
I will not forget all of the individuals I grew up with
Three sisters, three cousins, 
about 5-6 cousins cause their mothers were cracked out
But my mama, my sweet mama
Taught us what life was about
And I will not forget
Because of the heart attacks she had 
trying to teach us all what was right
And I will not forget
Because even know she holds her head with that same pride
And I will not forget because everyday 
I wish I could give her the world
And I will not forget because she taught me 
how to become a woman when I was a little girl

****I will not forget mama....I love you so much...
and I appreciate everything

Unforgettable by Sinsaysion

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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