My Best Friend

by Catherine Prater

The first time I laid eyes on you, 
I knew I was in love, 
The doctor said it's a girl, 
they placed you in my arms,
 and you stared back at me
like i was your child 
and you were seeing me for the first time, 
a strange feeling came over me, 
and I knew from that day forth 
I would never be alone again,

and then you were a toddler, 
you were the baby doll I always wanted, 
I dressed you up and pranced you around for all to see, 
everyone praised you and that made me happy, 
my prize God had given me, 
then you were four, 
hair to you waist, 
smart and quick witted as a whip,

And when I was with child carrying your baby brother, 
one day as we laid together on the bed you said to me, 
mommy I am goig to help you with our baby, I
 will get his breakfast in the morning and let you sleep.
When he became a toddler, you locked him in the closet 
because he was breaking your crayons.

And then you were eight, 
and  we had move to another state, 
you had to start all over again, 
At a new school, I could see the fear in your eyes 
and when I spoke, are you ready for this, 
the tears ran down your face, 
I put my hand on your shoulder 
and said everything will work out for you, 
in no time at all, you made friends even with the teacher,

And then you were twelve, 
and you wanted to wear makeup 
and notice boys, you put on too much lipstick, 
and eyeliner and it bothered me, 
my aunt Olga said leave her be, 
the other kids will let her know teasingly, 

We go past that, and now you are grown and my best friend,
As years went on I watched you grow 
into a beautiful woman with a heart of gold, 
every man, woman, and child that crossed you path, 
you would greet with open arms, always and all 
your friends loved you,You would bring them home
to share them with me,to keep me from being lonely, 
so I thank you for the years that you shared with me, 
and I will miss you forever,
because when God took you he took half of me,
You are my baby, my daughter, my best friend.
may God watch over you, 
so long my love, from your  mother Catherine

To my loving daughter, Marta, she passed away January 26, 2003.
She was my best friend, she also loved to write poetry. 
We shared our poems with each other.

My Best Friend by Catherine Prater

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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