
by Catherine Prater

If there was a time in my life 
That I would want to erase

It would be before the time
That I met the man the 
Captured my heart
And mesmerized my very soul
And planted his seed of love inside my womb
It would be before the time
I felt you growing inside me which made me
Smile each day 

It would be before the time
 Praying and asking the almighty to make
You beautiful and whole

It would be before the time
You took your first breath 
And looking into your eyes 
For the very first time 
Brought tear of joy to mine

It would be before the time
That I loved you so unconditionally
And being afraid to send you out
Into the world,

It would be before the time
You had your first fall and
It broke my heart to see you in pain

It would be before the time
You had your first date and you 
Stayed out to late

It would be before the time 
You fell in love and he broke your heart
It also broke mine

It would be before the time
You went out into the world to find your on way
And left me praying that you would be okay

It would be before the time
You called to tell me that you had fallen in love
And you were with child
My heart was filled with a smile

It would be before the time
I got the call telling me that 
 You had taken you lasts breath
And you’re on your journey back to heaven 

It would be before the time
My heart was broken.

Catherine Prater

Before by Catherine Prater

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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