Shades of Love

by P Maynard

Shades of  Love
Snow Flakes, Snow flakes falling,
 falling in a dense green forest. 
Quietly Floating 
softly gently building a peaceful mosaic 
reflecting the diamond light of the stars. 

a crisp clear spring day with a rainbow sky ,
 wind chimes playing a sweet sweet melody 
light pink tones with hues of lavender and yellow . 

immersed  in a bed of flowers 
a peaceful warmth surrounds me 
with the soft fragrances 
of rose , strawberry and orange
The magic of love caresses me 
as I wait for your return

Shades of Love by P Maynard

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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