Wishing Star

by Yah'ya Sherefe Ibn Phinisey

Wishing on a star with all my hopes and dreams
God was in my mind, but the night star was all that was seen
you remember that Lion King scene
with Mufasa and Cymba
I too saw my past in the stars

The hopes and dreams of my forefathers, fathers
Flowing through me like the tears in my eyes
Overwhelmed, overcome, and overjoyed, I feel to my knees
the clearness of the sky, the illumination of the moon
I wondered how many before cast their hearts to these stars
whose tears glistened in the moonlight

wishing as I have , for a brighter tommorrow
while trying to understand their past..

I am free, at last............

Wishing Star by Yah'ya Sherefe Ibn Phinisey

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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