
by Frankie Peebles

A Constitutional Bill to protect our Rights;
where all men are created equal, regardless
the circumstances involving this country
plight. With her ability to enforce laws
govern by Authority's, who sworn to serve
and protect. A land of free expression as
well as entertaining the lack of her respect.
Please, when will this generation be able
to expect her to defend for all mankind.
To deal with a frustrated Society, where
feeling appear to be left behind. For her
to ignored the Constitutional Power which
was designed to protect the weak. Is like
waving a hate flag saying, "This War will
Conquer Our Love to the Point of Defeat."
In the mean time, all that is require of her
is fair treatment now before it's to late.
Because, her cup is overflowing with betrayal
to the point of pure hate...

X-Pect? by Frankie Peebles

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