
by Mr. Frankie Peebles

Men are manly man-@-arms manage man-of-war 
to maneuver Mankind into manmade Manufacture. 
Men manhandle Manhood into manhole without mannerism 
considering Manslaughters in a so called Man World.

Manifestation of maniacal without manicure 
is effecting majority man behavior. Now, 
Man of Sin is affecting Men into manikin minds 
managing management within manifesto.

Manhattan 2001 was manifest for all Men 
to manly mangroom themselves into a Man. 
Mandatory and manful manuscripts 
will guide many Mansion into Manhood. 
Then, WoMan will witness the mane of Men 
roar to the Son of Man; 
Who is able to provide manna for all HuMan...

Hu_Man by Mr. Frankie Peebles

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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