
by Frankie Peebles

The cross, is it a symbol of love or hate?
Or, will this poem reveal to the World
with many questions to debate?
For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son
CHRIST JESUS, Who was hung on a tree for the curse of the World sin.
Inorder for the Jews & Gentiles to be united at the _+_
for a new life of creation to begin.
Now, was the symbol of the cross a rebirth of life
to symbolize a blessing or a curse?
Or, is the World being decieved by Satan's Mockery
to continue our Lord & Savior crucifixion to be rehearse.
Knowing, our history of the _+_
is always being symbolized as Jesus Spiritual death.
But, the Holy Spirit came to us as a reminder
of His Resurrection of Life full of wealth.
So, what is the World's meaning
to truly worship the _+_ as sacred and alone?
For it is 1 of the many Idols detestable to our KING OF KINGS
and LORD OF LORDS, Who is now seated at the great white throne...

_+_ by Frankie Peebles

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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