Classic Cotton

by Mr. Frankie Peebles

Labor Day Weekend,
I offer a colorless blossom to my Soulmate.
Vow of thanks,
for God creation of a spiritual Helpmate.
charisma is the model of her royal love.
is her faithful nature from Heaven above.
She righteous detest the dishonest reflection of
slavery placed upon our Ancestors. Rooted,
reminder of the whi & taker of profits wrongfully
stolen by the Predecessors.
Like Mama molasses,
the syrup of her beauty & strength are clothed
by the Maker of all mankind.
then a wife of noble character who can find?

Dedicated to God creation of Ms. Monique Whitaker {maiden}
of Virginia, U.S.A.   

Classic Cotton by Mr. Frankie Peebles

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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