Song From The Heart

by Passionate

My heart is singin a song that you can't hear, 
but it rings so loud in my head,
it echoes through my body, and it makes me weak...

Weak like when you touch me, 
weak like my resistance when you lean in for a kiss, 
weak like your excuses for why we can't be together...

Every note is like a spell and i am bound to it. 
A tune that is undying like my love, a song as sweet as you, 
a lyric that makes the day go by, a day full of missin you...

I am full of this song,your song,a love song. 
My heart is singin about dreams and it won't stop.

Every beat is a memory, a kiss, something we shared,
a sweet lullaby that hums the tune of you all day...

 Can you feel the music and is your heart singin a song for me?

Song From The Heart by Passionate

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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