Compilations of complications
Lost to a world of records unkept
But my heart bears the record of each idle footstep
The soul brimming over with tears still unwept.
To feel or not to feel that is the question
Bearing witness to the nightmares only sleep doth erase
The labyrinth, the abyss, the attic, the Temple
I’m building a legend to map out this place.
A bridge to the chasm, still in the making
Built to imprison but protecting instead
There still lies treasure, battlements afire
Awaiting the unicorn that’s waiting ahead.
Did you feel that? the surge of the current
The spring welling up in it’s undefiled bed
The stirrings of life, awaiting germination
Perfect, preserved, pristine, hallowed.
This creative current carries with its circulation
Causes for celebration and ceremonial commemoration.
I AM, by my mere existence, a wonder of worlds
Weaving a wondrous parturition of a Goddess from a girl.
I AM a star shining, the moon’s sides uniting
Unfolding a new universe, unique and exciting.
I AM a compilation of personal complications
Combined to configure a cause for celebration.
I AM the spring sun, warm and empowering
And the buds, bulbs and birds that respond with their flowering
I AM the summation of my imaginations
both real and imagined, victimized and survived
Before, I existed, but now, I AM ALIVE.