My People, Your People, Our People

by Annette M. Parrott

My people, my people 
The statistics are daunting 
Replete in illness and incarceration 
Yet financial freedom found wanting 
Being cut down by cancers, diabetes, and AIDS 
Yet not enough committed to education these days 
Riding your assets all bound in rings, blings and things 
What'll you leave for the little'uns? Will you leave'em paupers or kings? 
What of the family you conveniently left? 
Subjecting their hearts and finances to theft 
Is your gig your calling? Or are you just passin' time 
Will the world be a better place after you've spent your last dime? 
Full of religion but are you faith-full or faith-slim? 
If you gonna pray not to drown you'd better learn how to swim 
Self-sufficient selfish isn't, being great don't equate escape 
I am because you are. Let's awake for our children's sake. 
We were the founders of Universities, Technologies, Civilizations, 
Originators of Sciences, Languages, Nations 
And we still are'though forgotten, most sadly by ourselves 
But the seed is within us, even if erased from the shelves. 
The present does make a difference, regardless of the past 
Our future is immeasurable, if we only stand fast. 
Consider that rib, take a stand for your health 
Consider that purchase, take a stand for your wealth 
Consider that class, take a stand for your acuity 
Consider that book, take stand for your ingenuity 
Consider that relationship, take stand for your self-esteem 
Consider your worship, and live for the Supreme. 
My people, my people 
I hope that you may 
Decide to direct OUR destiny 
How will YOU start today? 

My People, Your People, Our People by Annette M. Parrott

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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