Yes, I'm black
And proud of it
I am also a woman
I'm proud of that too
But I'm also strong
Stronger than some, weaker than others
But I have my pride
Now that makes me the Strongest Black Woman
I can do anything I want to do and be anything I want to be
Cause I'm a Strong Black Woman, that's why
I can walk for myself, talk for myself and think for myself
And you know what else, I can provide for myself
Cause I'm a Strong Black Woman, that's why
I don't need a man for security
And I definitely don't need a man to take care of me
Cause I'm a Strong Black Woman, that's why
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not putting men down
Because I love my Strong Black Man
That's why we need to work together to further our education
Because I am going to be someone successful someday
But do you know why
Because I'm Strong
I'm Black
And I'm a Woman
Nothing Can Stop Me Now