Dream Child

by Keisha Parker Miller

Some people say that you will never exist
But my feelings for you, I can not resist
Why have I been punished with no chance of
Experiencing something so beautiful as a child's love
You would be my reason for being
You would change my world and everything I'm seeing
I long for you and dream of you often
Sometimes so bad, my dream, I am lost in
I can feel you in my arms and smell you soft scent
My dream is so real, I know you were meant
I'm trying to be patient and pray that you'll arrive
But they're feeding me negativity, how can I survive
I have so much to tell you, so much to share
The thought of never holding you, I can not bare
Even if we never meet, just know how much you mean to me
You are forever my brightest dream, even if we can never be

Dream Child by Keisha Parker Miller

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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