The Call

by Orlando Smith

this be your call
to bear arms
in this war
physical/verbal; bear arms!

blood is being shed
lives being taken
bodies lay dead
life and lifeless

heed the call
communities suffer
people fall
bear arms, be tougher

stand, be diligent
have pride
gain respect
let your star shine

forget the dollar
it will come
it's time to holler
bear arms, bear arms!!!

give 'em hell
like they given you
give 'em much hell
Smarter way too!

stop compromising your culture
don't fit in -bear arms!

socially, bear arms!
academically, bear arms!

then we can win this war
reeking havoc on  our communities;
economically-bear arms my people
bear arms!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Call by Orlando Smith

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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