My, my, my
You've got me completely
Soaked in lavendar scented suds
Peppermint oil foot rubs
Kisses and hugs
Hugs and kisses
Of love
Fulfilled? Naw...
Fell hook, line and sinker
For those molasses colored lips
Inviting me to just
Taste it
Participated in tongue-speak
We shared dreams
And I must say
Your soul tastes sweet
The way you licked
And gripped
My hips
Awoke to breakfast with cheese grits
Strawberry covered pancakes with creme
Fed me every last drop
Made me promise to call
Said you'd be back come nightfall
Gave me a smile
Dimples and all
And then you were gone.
The only way
I could separate
Reality from a dream...
He left all the dishes in the sink.