The Dark Shadow

by Ondrea Robinson

The shadow is dark
I can't see for anything
All I see is evil malice intentions
trying to stab me in the back
and not give me the respect
I need to know why my dark shadow
is worse than it really is
An explanation is not what I want to hear
Documents and citations are what I really want
Some people know what I go through in a dark shadow
I'm lonely, and no one wants to come out
and be a true friend to me
I feel like I'm blind
Because people have walked out of my life without saying why
And then they expect me to explain or take action
No.  I've been left in a dark shadow,
and it's no fun to be in one.

The shadow is dark
I can't see for anything
All I see is evil

The Dark Shadow by Ondrea Robinson

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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