Hear me in this poem
I am reciting beyond the paper
Flowing but yet connected still
Like a fisherman's boat
Propelled by the wind behind its sail
Here am I coming towards you now
Dressed in my Asho
Adorned in my Ilekes and my Ileke Nla
With clouds beneath my feet
Reciting and chanting
surrounded by the echoes of the Queen's wind
Sharing a connection with Oya
Yes, your Ancestors probably already told you
That I am a son of Ogun
Descending from the primal energy of the universe
To commune also with the dead.
The brown skin that has clothed me
No longer serves me
In this world of spirituality
So if you listen closely
To the passing breeze, listen for this poem
It will carry your deepest thoughts
To a place surrounded by the divinities of heaven
Who reaches their arms out to you
So that you may also swim in the ocean of life
Where everyday is a celebration for liberation
So let us enter into the realms of Ase together
I promise you that this will be
Your greatest immortal joy and happiness
Yoruba - Asho-A traditional cloth wrapped around
the body during initiations. Ilekes-Consecrated
beads given to Orisha initiates. Ileke Nla-
The great ileke given to priestly initiates.
Oya - Warrior Goddess of change and winds.
Ogun- Warrior God of iron, war and justice.
Ase-God's energy