My man left me all alone
to raise four boys on my own
I don’t have money for rent
what little I had I’ve already spent.
I have little food in the house
a job interview and no clean blouse.
My youngest son causes me grief
the oldest one is nothing but a thief,
the other two are lazy as a goat
and they all need new weather coats.
Welfare doesn’t pay me enough
to cover my bills and its tough.
what am I going to do...
what am I going to do?
Without my GED I won’t get far
I came into this world wearing this scar.
I never had a chance at a better life
my father left for another man’s wife.
All Momma did was drink everyday
until death came and took her away.
I can’t get a good job or a good man
its not fair to me how my life began
I didn’t ask to be brought into the world.
I just want to be like other black girls
who had a loving father and a caring mother
who had big sisters and big brothers
who had family to call in time of need
and a lover who shared a common creed.
what am I going to do...
what am I going to do?
I am a victim of an evil joke
who can’t escape the crack smoke.
I have been robbed of my self-esteem
so what’s the use of trying to dream
Hell, all my life I’ve known nothing but poverty
125th street and Lenox Avenue is my reality.
If God exists then I am in doubt
I am trapped between hell and shootouts,
I can’t beat the powers of defeat
or two seconds from living on the streets.
What are the answers for being poor?
I can’t take this cruel shit anymore!
I awake daily to standing on the edge
only to fall to my knees in a desperate pledge,
tears filling my eyes until I can no longer see
what is left for me, what is left for me.
what am I going to do...
what am I going to do?