My neighbor’s son
goes to school in the Bronx’s
and each morning he leaves
she wonders if he will come back.
My neighbor’s son
hangs out at night in Brooklyn
and each night he goes out
she wonders if he will come back.
My neighbor’s son
goes to the Baptist church downtown
the same one his best friend went too
before he was gun down by the police
after service one night for mistaking identity
and each Wednesday night he goes
she wonders if he will come back.
My neighbor’s son
just celebrated his nineteenth birthday
and has survived the New York streets
he has come home every night
until now, my neighbor’s son has gone to war
he has refused to go to college
instead he has gone to fight in Iraq.
My neighbor is now weeping
lost in the present memories of her son
looking into the valley of the city
where she has raised him into a man.
She no longer wonders or ponder the question
that has burned inside her thoughts for years
My neighbor’s son
has come back from warfare draped in the American flag
stiff/bruised/bloody/eyes wide opened
missing an arm, barefooted, sleeping inside a black bag.
my neighbor is now weeping
no longer wondering if her son will come back home.