My Plea

by MacAntony Uno

I am not a monster nor villain,
Knowing this is no task Herculean.
Am not hard at heart,
But a child at heart.
When the emotions are not depict,
Never me do you misinterpret,
For they lie in a heart low
Occupied by loves warm glow.
And only life and manhood
Have kept them all a-hooked.
Before those scathing remarks will pour
Please hear me out, then will you concur.
Characterize me not, I am no chapter - 
For I am human of my own character.
Would you between the lines look?
And see that I’m not a heart of stone
But a heart of flesh filled with love’s tone

My Plea by MacAntony Uno

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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