How Can Hands Be Lifted Up

by Tracy R. Offer

Ordained Leaders and Members

I have poured upon you
Great anointment to preach
And teach my word to the lost
Souls in the world

I have created you to worship me
I have molded and shaped you
Each time you fell apart
I have laid down my life
For your sins & your worries

As I hear the words from your mouth
As I see the thoughts in your mind
They are not of me

How can hands & praise
Be lifted up?

When rumors spread
When gossip comes to your ear
Instead of putting a stop to it
You listen and feed into it

Each day you are given a new start
Still, your ways are not of Me
And there are many blessings awaiting you

You fast, you pray, you enter the sanctuary
In vain
Still, you expect me to bless you

How can hands & praise
Be lifted up?

If there’s an issue in your mind
Or in your heart
Release it now unto me

For you know not the hour of my arrival
Let not your mind and heart be boggled
With anger, hatred, gossip, pain, and suffering
In these last days

Take a look within and ask yourself

How can hands & praise
Be lifted up

How Can Hands Be Lifted Up by Tracy R. Offer

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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