
by Odetta Wright

Encased by looming petals
Lily sits in solitary existence
Warm darkness surrounds her
As she sits   

When will she bloom?
What will move her?
A soft caress by the sun
Or the pounding of the rain?
She sits undisturbed

Now is the time for Lily to burst forth
She is neither caressed by the sun
Nor is she pounded by the rain
But rather
Gentle fingers touch the petals and pry them open

Ever so slowly
Ever so gently

The probing fingers stroke Lily
With purpose
Softly at first
Then persistently as if
Lily knows their strategy
But still Lily sits

Suddenly the petals drop open
One by one
Lily is waiting

Suddenly Lily senses
That Spring is here
Suddenly the bloom rushes in
Like an angry ocean

Suddenly Lily lilts.

Lily by Odetta Wright

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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