I Just Wanna Go Back

by SoulPurpose

 His touch regained consciousness of familiarity 
And with each kiss placed upon my lips
I began to recall the last time, last emotion, last place

I just wanted to go back...

To cooking his favorite meals
Thoughtful foot rubs
Greasing of freshly braided cornrows
Summer nights by the lake
Funky breath morning kisses
Me being his girl
Him being my man

I just wanted to go back...

But here we are today changed
Seven seas had us separated
The other woman, the other man
Left each of us tainted

And although I wish not to divulge into our unspoken perceptibility
It still is just that;
Our reality

So, occasionally tears may fall
Feelings may be sensitive as exposed nerve endings
And insecurity may lurk

That's why I just wanna go back...

You know, how it used to be
The place of familiarity

In love with you.

I Just Wanna Go Back by SoulPurpose

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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