Name Calling

by Nlite101

Nobody calls you “Baby” like a brotha

Honey? Sweetheart?  Sugar Pie
Chocolate Muffin? Black Butterfly

Nobody calls you “Baby” like a brotha.

Some may call you BIOTCH  or HO and other things just as lame
When you’ve done no wrong  just the same…

Nobody calls you “Baby” like a brotha

A sound that pours deep into your ear hole
And settles in that place you call your soul

When a brotha calls you “Baby”

You feel so high and so elated
Never slighted or denigrated

When a brotha calls you “Baby”

It stirs the embers of your inner essence
Makes a you give total acquiescence

When a brotha calls you  “Baby”
You are his woman!

Name Calling by Nlite101

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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