I watch you my children as you travel on your way
Down the avenue of life. Watching you throw so much away
Your soul is alive with gusto yet foul words you like to spew
So rude, so angry and good manners you eschew.
All the world hears and sees you disrespect your own
Stomping on the seedlings and gardens they have sown
They paved a road for you to be who you are today
Struggled so you could have YOUR life YOUR way.
This world is not always pretty and polite
This place can be extremely mean and somewhat trite
Be aware! Be observant and take great heed!
Don’t get caught up in this world’s greed.
Listen to your mothers, fathers, and those older than you
Listen to us. We have walked the same roads you do.
Don’t shut us out and keep lowering your morals
Denying your standards, entertaining dumb quarrels
Be still and learn and envision all you can
Grow up and become an enlightened young woman or a man
Respect all those that came before and sacrificed for you
Because its on their shoulders you stand and do what you do.
Stand tall and proud and never lower your heads
But as you stand there remember what a wise man once said
“Do unto others as they do unto you
Love your brothers and sisters just as I have loved you.”