Then Is Now

by R. Fitzgerld Nixon

Chasin' dreams on the sands of 
Plantations erase my  patience
Face us
Look at me

I'm made in America
Not in a factory, but a product of my 

My history is missing
Too many blanks and too many torn pages
What will become of me?
My Fathers were Kings
My Mothers were Queens

Wealth galore: sheep, cattle and land
Now what we got? NOTHING!
So now my mind is bare
Salvation is rare
And no blood to spare

Boxed in like a dog
Force-feed funky-hog
Free my walk
Don't balk
And please no more talk

Then Is Now by R. Fitzgerld Nixon

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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