Single Mother & White

by Nikki Skies

Actually I think they both already left
but still there for the little black boy
with fair skin.
Whose hair and lips tell the world who his daddy is

I hope someone is there to hold her 
when her sons eyes go a place she won’t be able to reach
a depth she can’t fathom one humanly possible to survive
cause she’s gonna leave the father
he work sporadically 
nothing reminiscent of her father
who bought home the steak and potatoes
he says it kills his spirit
and she don’t understand it
call him lazy
they yell through the walls
she’s gonna leave
and live life as a single white woman raising a little black boy

who’ll only believe the world stares at him 
cause he looks exotic for so long
then he’ll feel cornered
and she’ll beat at the walls and tell him he’s free 
until she’s blue in the face
with coruscate eyes
he’ll look at her and tell her
something’s killing his spirit
and she just don’t understand it
and she’ll dare not call him lazy or leave his side
so she yell at the walls

I hope someone is there to hold her 
when her sons eyes go a place she won’t be able to reach.

Single Mother & White by Nikki Skies

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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