A Crying River Part II

by Niki Bell de Castanon

I cried for the first time,
I cried for inner peace of sanctuary,
I cried for the other half of self that no longer exist,
I cried for the first time,
For when I fall no one is there to pick me up,
When there is not bread to eat,
None fell from the sky,
My faith of slumber washed up,
Oh, and I began to cry,
Could not stop,
And for the first time,
You were there,
You held me,
And that moment of beauty will last a lifetime,
For I am blessed of the dripping water,
I am blessed with the sound of laughter,
I am blessed with many gifts,
I lifted myself up and hung on to 
the beautiful cloak of Poverty, of Darkness,
That continues to fail to handicap me,
I am my own soul of a river,
I am my own soul of tears,
I am my own soul of ability,
I am my own soul of peace,
And for the first time I cried for release,
For the first time I am not tired,

A Crying River Part II by Niki Bell de Castanon

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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