And Still The Heart Beats

(dedicated to the Ghana Heart Foundation)

by Nii Parkes

for some another day
for others hard to say,
by her son a mother prays
for a moment's delay;
and still the heart beats

as years pass
and the ravages of age
and the ruthless debts of rage
choke the heart in its cage,
the pen grows weak on its page;
but still the heart beats

still we wait
on the charity of man
dreading the setting sun
as the breath quickens
and the pulse weakens;
and still the heart beats

still the heart beats
a melody of hope
as moon and night elope

still the heart beats
with dreams of tomorrow
and days that still might follow

and still the heart beats
life's endless song
but for how long
will this heart beat
how long will this heart beat
long will this heart beat
will this heart beat
this heart beat
heart beat
(still the heart beats)

And Still The Heart Beats by Nii Parkes

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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